Theres not alot of good content on Australia's streaming and TV platforms. But we make do with what we got!
- CurrentChuck Lorre Productions, Warner Bros. Television
- Marvel Studios⭐5/10Didn't care much for this film. Combat and effects were cool, story was mid. Really did not care for Kang or the Quantum Realm. I suppose this will play more into the next Avengers (might? Kang was removed for Dr Doom).
- Marvel Studios⭐7/10I missed some of previous Marvel movies after and before Civil War, so it was exciting to see where this went. Story wasn't as good as the previous in the series but was still enjoyable
- Marvel Studios⭐8/10Was really good, I enjoy Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas in this series.
- Paramount Pictures; Hasbro⭐8/10I watched most of this on the way to Canada and finished it when I got back (thanks Netflix). Funny, great plot, entertaining and true to D& D. Wasn't expect it to be this good and would recommend!
- Kinetic Content⭐6/10My brother and his wife love to watch this show (that and 90 Day Fiance which is better IMO). I still don't get the premies of this show, but it makes for great television. The show was kind boring until the half way point. After that it kinda snowballed into a chaotic mess of entertaining train-wrecks. The finale was exceptionally spicy. BuT iT's FoR tHe OpTiCs
- Paramount Pictures; Hasbro⭐10/10Watched all of this on the aeroplane to Canada. I don't know what to say except it was even better than season 1. The story was exceptional (except that Jace Victor stuff towards the end), the art and music were phenomenal. I'm excited to see what RIOT will be looking at next
- ABC⭐7/10I enjoyed binge watching this in the background. The characters and plot are engaging enough to continue watching but not enough to be glued to the screen. Nathan Fillion is phenomenal in this series!
- AGBO⭐10/10So good! I think the movie is probably the best piece of media I've watched this year. There were so many great things: actors, story and universe, directing, humor, etc. My parents didn't like it, the universe jumps might have been too hard for them to keep up but I though it was well articulated. Would strongly recommend to anyone. I believe it is now on Netflix, at least in Australia.
- Marc Platt Productions⭐8/10A really good sequel/branch off from the movie, The art style and animations were beautiful!. I more or less liked this storyline as it focused more on Ramona and the other characters. There were some great laughs through the series, very consistent. Would recommend to anyone that liked the first movie, runs at a slower pace though.
- Illumination⭐7/10OK it was actually pretty good. I'm not the target audience but hey I enjoyed it. A bit short but the plot was alright. I think Jack Black killed it as Bowser, he was hilarious. The blue Luma is my spirit animal.
- The ULULU Company (Matt Groening)⭐6/10Not a bad series but it doesn't live up to the hype from Futurama or old Simpsons. had me laugh a few times but the it doesn't really have much the depth to the story or characters. Wouldn't really recommend it other then something to watch in the background.
- Doozer Productions⭐9/10I'm re-watching all 9 seasons again. This is my favorite TV show to watch when I was in back school (oh god I'm old). They don't have most of the music that made Scrubs great due to copyrights, the backup songs arn't hitting the same. Some of my favorite episodes are: My Old Lady (S1), My Screw Up (S3), My Jiggly Ball (S5), My Lunch (S5), His Story IV (S6), My No Good Reason (S6), Their Story (S6), My ABC's (S8), My Lawyer's in Love (S8)
- Bo Burnham⭐8/10Great (dark) comedic film. Produced, directed, filmed and performed by one guy, Bo. I'm rather impressed with how he did it all. Favorite songs: Welcome to the Internet, How the World Works, Comedy
- DreamWorks Animation⭐9/10Everything I could ever want from a Shrek spinoff!